lovelygirl and me

lovelygirl and me

Wednesday, August 10, 2011


I am currently fostering four little kittens, whose mother was killed when they were about 2 1/2 weeks old. 

A gentleman brought them into the clinic where I work and pleaded for someone to take them. 

I, being the soft hearted fool that I am, raised my hand and said "yes" with a huge "SUCKER" painted to my forehead!

Now nearing 3 weeks into feedings, helping them potty, cleaning them up and hearing them persistently squalling every 2 1/2 hours...I find myself exhausted.  Yes, I admit it.  I have thrown up my hands in the air and cried to the heavens, "WHAT on EARTH possessed me to take these things?" My husband looks on, amused, as I complain about scratch marks on my ankles from starving kittens clawing their way up my leg to get to the one and only nipple, full of milk.

Seriously, they act like they haven't eaten in days.  Meow, meow, meow!!!

What on earth, you might ask, does THIS have to do with adoption?


There will be times when we ask ourselves, "WHY did we do this?" "What on EARTH was I thinking?!"
There will be times when we cry to the heavens, and fall upon the bed, completely and utterly exhausted.

The kittens don't care how I feel.  They only have survival in mind.  When and where is the next meal coming? Who can scratch and claw their way first to the nipple? Who will be the strongest one, and push the other off?

We haven't been matched yet.  But, I do know there will be those low moments.  Best to be honest with myself. Best to prepare for it now in my heart.  Best to know that beyond the survival methods we will face with these kiddos, there lies a broken heart, waiting for the walls to come down...waiting for that moment when they finally realize their needs are actually being met and they can relax, relax into our hearts.


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