lovelygirl and me

lovelygirl and me

Friday, December 23, 2011


Sitting quietly in the chair yesterday evening, I heard a meowing noise and smiled.

Lovelygirl crawled around on the floor with her kitty, Rosie; pretending to be a kitty.  She crawled over by my chair, and I bent down and pet the top of her head saying, "nice kitty" to our daughter.

She meowed and rubbed her cheek on my hand so I played along with the game.

In seconds she was up in my lap, meowing and trying to rub her little cheek against mine.

I held my breath. Waiting.

She worked her way into an almost fetal position on my lap, and I quietly wrapped her in my arms, all the while talking to the "kitty" in a soft voice, stroking her cheek and forehead.

Soon we were rocking and she snuggled up in my arms, like a sweet little lost baby who never got rocked like this.

She meowed a little more, then shut her eyes, a blissful smile on her little face. I kissed the top of her head and hummed.

Then I sang a couple of songs to her, using the "kitty" as her;  "Jesus Loves You This I Know" and "Rock-a-bye Kitty."

Amazingly, her body relaxed.  Then relaxed even more. Her breathing changed and I realized with a lump in my throat and tears in my eyes, that she had actually fallen asleep in my arms.

This enchanting child. Asleep in my arms.

There had to be a certain amount of security felt in order to do that. There had to be a longing in her little heart. She needed me. She needed to be rocked like a baby. She needed to feel all wrapped up and held. She needed to feel love. She needed me.

I met that need. Instinctively, I suppose...that nurturing part of me able to respond in a quiet heartbeat.

Though it only lasted a short time; our dog barked and she startled awake; in my heart it will last forever.

I could feel the rising in my heart as she slept so peacefully.  A little more love rising up. Compassion overwelming me. A mother's love growing inside.

May I be ever mindful of her needs. May I seize those little moments she offers me, and return her tentative reaching out with true compassion and love.  Watching for them, waiting for them.  Little seeds growing.

seizing the moment.

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