lovelygirl and me

lovelygirl and me

Saturday, October 15, 2011


see the picture the most current blog post?

the picture of two hands, clasped?

that is me and my lovelygirl.

I can't post a picture of her, or say her name.  But she is real. I met her. I fell head over heels for her.

enchanting. adorable. sweet. wonderful. beautiful. talented. mesmerizing.
lovelygirl is.

in that nanosecond that I saw her, my dreams were realized in the flesh.

she is real. she lives. she breathes. she smiles. she laughs. she sings. she plays. she runs. she giggles. she skips. she holds hands. she hugs. she is silly. she is funny. she is adorable. she is my lovelygirl.

it was hard to leave her there and come back home. she should have been in the car with us, singing our way back home.

she loves purple.  and pink.

she isn't afraid of worms. holds them, lets them crawl over her arm. she held them tenderly then carefully let them go free.

she likes dollies, and dressing up, and doing puppet shows.

her laugh is infectious.  she sings remarkably well for an untrained little girl. 

she said she could swing all day. she climbs like a lil monkey.

she is my lovelygirl.

deliriously happy I am.
she is my lovelygirl. my luv. my girl.
I met her yesterday (we did) and spent time with her today in the park, in the sunshine. All the years waiting, the anguish, the pain...swept away in an enchanting afternoon.

enchanting. adorable. sweet. wonderful. beautiful. talented. mesmerizing.
lovelygirl is.

mine. in a nanosecond.

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