lovelygirl and me

lovelygirl and me

Thursday, May 31, 2012


"It is in the everyday and commonplace that we learn patience, acceptance, and contentment." 
                                                                                                 Richard J Foster

Yeah. At home, in the store, at church...all places to learn these things.  Today is my birthday.  Generally, I take the time to reflect on my life, think about changes I can make within myself and find positive things to enrich my life.

Today, I am just thankful to have a little bit of alone time. 

Last night we got a call from luv's teacher.  She has been acting out at school.  In general, being defiant, disobeying, sassing back, being disrespectful and instigating fights.  She is calling kids names, picking on them, and being ornery. 


So, I tried to talk to her about it and she pitched a fit.  We have rules in our house and screaming as loud as she can is one of those that we don't allow. 

"Stop screaming now, or your choices will have consequenses."

She was already in bed, so couldn't use that one.


"Okay, well tomorrow there will be no television or computer time."


"Well, now you are going to have to go to bed a half hour earlier since you won't stop..."


"Okay then, now an hour earlier."

SCREAM!!!! NO!!!!!!! I don't WANT to go to bed early!!  SCREAM!

"Wow, sorry you are choosing to keep this it is one and a half hours earlier."

scream....(backing off the intensity now!)

"Your choice, hon.  Now 2 hours earlier."

but I don't want to...

"You decided to keep screaming when I told you to stop.  You made the bad choice, and choices have consquenses don't they?"

So, this was what happened at our house last night. 

Lovelygirl has been wetting again.  Every day at school.  She tried to hide it on Monday, and lied.  I didn't confront her.  Tuesday she came home and tried to pass it off that she had stayed dry again. 

She goes in on Tuesday to therapy. 

Ahhhh, patience.

It is such a small word really, but wow it can be so hard to obtain!!!!!!!!!
I am sure my blood pressure was at a boiling point last night.  My head pounded.

So first comes patience, eh Richard J Foster? THEN comes acceptance...and FINALLY contentment.


Breathe in. Breathe out. Breathe in.  Breathe out.

Oh and Happy Birthday me.

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