lovelygirl and me

lovelygirl and me

Thursday, May 24, 2012

not on the storm

"Set your thoughts, not on the storm, but on the Love that rules the storm." Mrs Charles E. Cowman

I don't claim to know who this woman is, but her words ring true to me on every level!  Set your thoughts not on the storm.  We have storms that brew in our lives.  Last week, it was in the form of a nine year old girl we are adopting.  Real storms can feed on weather, or climate changes, even on the landscape.  They can circle and grow before exploding their force on the planet.

Much is the same for our lovelygirl.  She has inner storms.  Memories.  Painful memories.  Of neglect.  Of abuse.  Of rejection. Of sorrow. 

They brew, those storms. They swirl inside her, forming a funnel cloud that threatens to erupt.  In her case, last week, her inner storms fed on our stressful situations.  I had several major projects due.  "S" had an really bad chest cold that turned into Bronchitis.

Not sure yet on the triggers that caused the inner storms to erupt and explode outside her body.  Still trying to figure her out, this needy girl of ours. 

It's important to claim those first three words..."SET YOUR THOUGHTS."  This requires action on my part.  A determined resolve.  Being a doer of the words and not just a sayer. Practice what I preach.  Set my mind to this, purpose to complete it. 

Set my thoughts on the Love that RULES the storm.

Let love always abide in me.  God's perfect love.  A love that casts out all fear.  A love that puts other's needs ahead of my own.  Perfect love.  Let God's Perfect Love abide in me and guide me every step of our journey in this adoption of lovelygirl, and our lives together.

Set my heart on that...and not the storm itself.

not on the storm.

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