lovelygirl and me

lovelygirl and me

Tuesday, August 17, 2010


Waiting is so hard! I am one of those people who try and respond right away to people's emails, texts or voice mails. When other's don't, I get a little frustrated.

I was supposed to let "A"'s caseworker know if that weekend works for us to go meet "A." Can I reach anyone??? Not even my own adoption worker answers my emails. sigh.

Impatience. I have waited a very long time to adopt. First one was foiled by my ex-husband cheating on me. So, over 10 years. Of waiting. Impatiently at times.

Seems funny, that not all people can understand that wait. They haven't experienced life yet. Haven't experienced loss. They take it for granted that if you want a child, just have one when you feel like it.

So, I sit. Tapping my fingers impatiently. Waiting.


  1. I'm praying and waiting with you, my friend! I can remember a time, MORE than 10 years ago, when we talked about your desire for a little girl... I can't really remember a time when you didn't long for a daughter! I'm so excited for you, and for the little girl that God has waiting for you.
    Love you lots!

  2. My dear friend, Berta! How I love you!!! Thank you so much for sticking by me! All the threads that have been woven in our tapestry of friendship!
