Lovelygirl finally gets to go to a therapist/counceling session.
She has been at this foster home now for about 3 months now, and hasn't had a chance to go see one before now.
I was talking to FM (fostermom) via texting, and lovelygirl is pretty confused about what adoption actually means. Of coure, who can blame her? She has been tossed around like a fallen leaf in the blustery fall winds; No place to land.
She told FM that she thinks adoption means she doesn't have to move, but she will be eventually going to her bio mom's to live. So, she views adoption as just another foster home, but one she will stay at, until her bio mom can get her.
She hasn't even seen her bio mom since April.
My heart breaks for her. I can't even imagine the confusion and loss she feels.
The man who is listed as her birth father she calls her "Stepdad."
I am glad that she is at a councelor. I pray that they will find insight and a way to begin unraveling all the false information that lovelgirl has recieved.
No place to land.
Her mantra at the moment. No place to land. No safe place to be. Stuck.
We want to be her safe place to land. To eventually help her feel secure and safe. To help her realize her potential. To help her feel wanted. So she can land, and relax, and just be herself.
Until then, she doesn't feel safe. She doesn't feel secure. She has no idea what will happen to her. She doesn't feel wanted. She doesn't feel loved. She is eight years old. No eight year old child should feel this way.
What she needs?
A safe place to land.
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